The Best Results In 43% Less Time

The Brain-centric Revolution has begun because of headlines like this article employs.  More than just being business-led, and no matter if the management model is loose or controlled, the strongest determinant of success is adaptive expertise versus routine expertise.

What's the difference?  From Wikipedia...

Routine expertise involves mastering procedures in such a way as to become highly efficient and accurate, whereas developing adaptive expertise requires an individual to develop conceptual understanding that allows the "expert" to invent new solutions to problems and even new procedures for solving problems. 

To illustrate, imagine two sushi chefs: one who makes every piece perfectly but routinely makes the same few types over and over (routine, or classic, expertise), and one produces new menus frequently (adaptive expertise). To some, this is an unfair comparison, as ones' environment supports behavior. For example, the routine of the classic expert sushi chef may be tied to his restaurant environment, and this chef may be able to break out of the routines easily given a different situation. However, the adaptive expert chef clearly demonstrates flexible knowledge and performance of sushi-making.



Business today needs problem-solvers that demonstrate adaptive expertise when they can efficiently solve previously encountered tasks and generate new procedures for new tasks.  We've just described your ideal situation.

The problem is people are taught to have routine expertise thanks to our school systems, learning & development departments, and instructional designers.  We've presented too much information, in tool little time, tested on it, and then labeled according to what we could regurgitate in any number of clever ways & means.  

Generally speaking, most of us aren’t learning any faster than someone who lived 100 years ago.  While you can recite information as quickly as your wireless connection allows, you aren’t retaining any more knowledge than people were at the start of the tech revolution.

Presentations haven’t gotten any better.  Many would argue they are a million times worse (think Death By PowerPoint).  In many respects, all technology has allowed us to do is move the bullet point list from the chalkboard to the smart board.

Metrics, facts, are what drives science.  Brain-centric Design is the surprising Neuroscience behind learning for deep understanding.  To “BcD” a presentation is to align your material the way the brain will accept that information, and how people love to learn.  You want the learners, your audience, to ‘Get it’ and benefit from it by making it their information.  This is made possible through the cognitive approach to learning, the way you learned before school, the way you learn when you decide to learn something yourself.

Yes, there is a recipe.  Or, as our Cognitive Learning Scientist Dr. Kieran O'Mahony states it, "a pedagogic model."

Presenting your information to your learners using Brain-centric Design - a model that organizes your data so the brain can understand and recall that information - produces deep understanding in the learner.  This understanding enables adaptive expertise.  It is that simple.